About Us

At Pets Unleashed, our goal has always been to provide the very best in pet care, at an affordable price. As we continually strive to better our services, we are announcing a price increase effective July 1, 2024.
Please click here to view rate changes.
Bookings received before July 1, 2024 will still receive the old pricing.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
We thank you for your loyalty and support, and look forward to caring for your pets in the future!

Pets Unleashed is owned by Gerard and Shelley Klok

Gerard and Shelley have spent the last 20+ years involved with breeding, training, and showing their own dogs in both conformation, obedience, and carting. Their love for animals runs very deep and they are proud to be able to do what they love best; provide daily care, attention and affection to the dogs and cats that are staying with them.

As their children grow, it is great to see this evolve into a family business as the children start to help out in the kennel.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Lethbridge, AB