Directions from Lethbridge:

Head out of Lethbridge on Highway 3, heading west. Once you have crossed the river, and gone up the coulee, turn right onto Highway 25, North towards Picture Butte.
(Alternatively, from West Lethbridge, head North on University Drive, which becomes Highway 25.) Follow North for about 3 miles.
Then, turn right (east) onto Township Rd. 94.
After 1 mile, turn left (north) onto Range Road 221.
Our place is the 4th on the right, and our house number is 94025. You will not see the house from the road, as we have a 1 km long driveway. Just follow the driveway and we’ll see you in a few minutes!
Directions from Calgary:

Follow Highway #2 South past Nanton, Stavely, and Claresholm.
When you come to Granum, turn left (east) onto highway 519. Follow this for about a ½ hour.
Then turn right (south) onto Highway #23. Follow this south until it merges into Highway #3.
In about 5 min, watch for the green road sign for “Kipp Road”, and turn left. Follow the Kipp road overpass over the rail yards, and then it will head east for 2.5 miles before coming to an intersection with Highway #25.
Cross Highway #25, and then turn left (north) at the first intersection, onto RR 221.
Our place is the 4th on the right, and our house number is 94025. You will not see the kennel or house from the road, as we have a 1 km long driveway. Just follow the driveway and we’ll see you in a few minutes!